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Kim's Reading Journal

I don't get fancy with long detailed book reviews - just my short and sweet (and sometimes not-so-sweet) honest opinion!

Currently reading

The World of Ice & Fire: The Untold History of Westeros and the Game of Thrones
George R.R. Martin, George R.R. Martin, George R.R. Martin
Assassin's Apprentice  - Robin Hobb Well....this was my first Robin Hobb adventure and I liked it. It was okay but I think that if I hadn't been listening to it rather than reading it, I may not have finished it.

This series may continue for me if my to-read pile shortens considerably. I find myself not particularily interested in what happens next for Fitz.

Overall, worth the time on my drive to work to listen to the story.
The Way of Shadows  - Brent Weeks, Paul Boehmer This was one of my "listen on the drive to work" reads. I just haven't had the time lately to do any other kind of reading! I liked it enough to move onto the next book in the series. I don't know if "listening" instead of reading the book changed the experience for me but it felt like a book that was trying to be tough and gritty but didn't quite make it there. Sure there were assassins but I guess they just didn't come across as dark enough for guys whose lives were killing people. Maybe it was just that the readers voice wasn't strong enough??
The Tyrant's Law - Daniel Abraham

This was another great book in Daniel Abraham's Dagger and Coin series. This auther is the real deal - the man knows how to write. It took me longer to read this book, NOT because I found it in any way boring (very much the opposite) but I just couldn't fit reading in to my schedule as often as I wanted.

All the usual characters back and none of their story lines disappointing. In particular we really get to see, in my opinion, Geder's progress as he either goes mad or just truely evil.

Again, as was the same in book 2, my jaw hit the floor as I read the last page of the book (meaning.... What???!!!? IT'S OVER!!!?!? NOOOOOO! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HANGING LIKE THIS!!!!). What a doozy of a cliff hanger!

Shadow's Edge (Night Angel Trilogy #2)

Shadow's Edge  - Brent Weeks, Paul Boehmer Well. It was okay. I did enjoy it but not enough to keep going on the series right now. Too many others on my to-read list. Might come back to it sometime.
The Rose and the Thorn - Michael J. Sullivan Lucky enough to beta read this book and loving it so far. Will update as I go on!


Finished reading this morning and it was great fun! Wonderful Revelations prequel story of our heroes Hadrian and Royce. This is book 2 of the Chronicles. I did not read book 1 but was able to follow along without any problem. This does very well as a stand-alone. I don't think I'll ever tire of Riyria!

Thanks Michael for the opportunity to get the early read in. I really enjoyed it!
Hollow World - Michael J. Sullivan Michael J. Sullivan is a favorite author of mine and when I heard about a new book offer through Kickstarter I jumped aboard and it was well worth it.

Hollow World was a great read. Loved the concept, loved the story, loved the writing. I only wished it had gone a little deeper so I could feel the characters a little more. It felt almost rushed.

Overall, good book. If another book is ever written about Hollow World, it will definitely be on my to-read list.

Rise of Empire - Michael J. Sullivan Great book! Wonderful continuation of the Riyria series, as well written as the first! Will definitely continue reading the series with the last book Heir of Novron
From Mountains of Ice - Lorina Stephens I received this book for free in exchange for a review.

From Mountains of Ice was a very well written book and an interesting read. The story was a good one but I perhaps wished it included more of the story behind the cucullatus which was a very interesting part of the book. The main character Sylvio was a good man and I became attached to him and his wife. I could have used a little more insight into the antagonist, Carmelo, who I felt that I should feel sorry for or should have been more angry at, but didn`t have enough time with him or background information to be able to feel anything for him.

This is not a fast read, requiring attention paid to details to be able to follow the story line. At times the author uses words that I had to stop and re-read the paragraph so that I could understand the meaning. It would have probably read easier (for me :} at least) if the language was a bit simplified.

Overall a good read and enjoyable story.
The King's Blood - Daniel Abraham Okay, I’m reading fast and furious because I am loving the story and am excited to see what’s going to happen…and BAM…it’s over!

Funny Animals

Yes, big sad puppy dog eyes.

Once again Daniel Abraham wowed me with his story, characters, and style. This second book of The Dagger and the Coin series was even better than the first (and I loved the first).

Mr. Abraham, you get 5 stars from me and I’ll be waiting impatiently for the next book of the series to come out. You left me on the edge of my seat!

The Dragon's Path - Daniel Abraham I absolutely love it when I get to pick up a book by an author I have never read before and become instantly hooked.

The Dragon’s Path was a fast paced, well written, fantasy novel. Exactly what I love. I don’t like to feel like I need to take notes while I’m reading. The characters and events were easy to follow and I really like reading books written with different POVs. The different races of men were very interesting and creative. I hope in the future books of this series we will get to hear more of the history of the dragons and who knows, maybe one or two will arise from a long, hidden sleep somewhere!

Overall, a great book. Great concepts and excellent execution. I will definitely be continuing with this series.
Theft of Swords (Riyria Revelations) - Michael J. Sullivan I love this story! Michael J. Sullivan is now on my favorite author list. This is the first book I have read by this author and I must say that I was very pleasantly surprised by how well written and imaginative it is. It caught me from the start and it was difficult to put down! There was no skipping ahead to gloss over boring long descriptive paragraphs (which I have a tendency to do when the reading is laborious)! It is a very well written, fast paced read.

Hadrian and Royce are funny, believable characters that I am now totally attached to and I can't wait to continue reading the series to follow along with them. Alric, Arista, Thrace, Esrahaddon, Magnus and Myron...loved each and every one of them!
A Dance With Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5) - George R.R. Martin This series has been the best I've read. I love these books and was sad coming to the end of this one. I can't wait for the next!
A Feast for Crows - George R.R. Martin Once again, I love this book as much as I have every book in the series. Great fantasy writing that keeps me interested the whole way through!
A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire, #3) - George R.R. Martin Another great book in this series! GRRM is now my favorite author. Loved every moment of reading this book and find that I don't skim over paragraphs to get to the good parts.....the author makes me not want to miss any details!
A Clash of Kings - George R.R. Martin Because I am fairly new to the fantasy fan club (started a year ago with Mr. Martin's first book in the Ice and Fire series), I was able to pick up this book and start reading it as soon as I finished the first one. I loved it as much as the first! I love the way GRRM tells the tale and is never predictable.
A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin This book is the book that started my complete love of the fantasy genre. Finished this book and immediately went out and bought the rest of the series. Thank you Mr. Martin!